Withered Reality

Isn't it awkward sitting in class, prisoned in cement walls, looking at the same old law professor lecturing on meaningless law lessons, when outside mother nature is at her wits end raining cats and dogs, giving the world a wetter and a seemingly monsoon attire? We students ought to be out, enjoying the pellet like drops falling from the heavens above amidst the chanting roar of the increasing and subsiding sound of its earthly rage rather than dozing on tables or even worse yawning non stop without even the required break.
The climate that was prevailing and the eloquent look of the mangroves swaying in the breeze along side the backwaters surrounding our college with migratory birds perched upon trees liberating their will for an off hand, timeless break from their routine endeavours was far more a subject for an artist's brush to put down on canvass for one and all to cherish. But then something was out of place, rather derogatory.
Forming a kind of dingy and unrealistic silhouette to that whole heavenly episode was a sight of drenched, haggard children fighting the cold and rain, carrying bricks and metal atop their petite and frail shoulders. This enigmatic situation in which those innocent souls were scarred sent spasms of pain down my mortal body dilating the thought of human selfishness that would soon devour this whole world. Thinking of whether the culprits of these atrocities would ever attain absolution, my eyes fall upon a ghastly, tender figure of a boy of around 8 years in tatters. Shovelling gravel into baskets, carrying it up and down numerous times quickly couldn't conceal the pain and trauma he was going through. If not in this painful situation, where else could he be? In an academic institution may be or on a football field playing enthusiastically having rules to defend him and peers to partake in his sorrow and happiness. The hypnotising effect of the once mellowing rain suddenly changes its adorable form and takes on earth as a ravaging monster. A big roaring bang from no where is heard and amidst the cries of human voices is seen a big column of smoke. Empirical evaluation and the flurry that followed revealed that a portion of the building collapsed in the obstinate weather trapping that 'small bundle of awe' I was observing closely. Denying myself further emotional roller coasters, I wiggle myself from the sight of water turned red flowing from under the collapsed building.
Construction of skyscrapers leading to the destruction of juvenile hearts- the irony prevails.....

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