Confessions of a Bleeding Heart

It's new year again. All frenzied and scourged on the sloping and rugged terrain of life, i walk down memory lane, knocking on doors and peeping through windows, trying to get a glimpse of my life, my past, my family. Faces i see and time spent in nonerroneous circumstances make me feel it was worth living those cherishable moments. Pondering on the mysterious and weird twists and turns in life, i deeply miss the scenic halts and episodes endured with my mom, brother and dad especially. Now that light is out. The top most branch of the tree has fallen, withered and disappeared leaving just the three of us- my mom, my brother and i with just meloncholic melodies of a song unfinished. Occasionally i try to put right the broken pieces of God's puzzle as to why He put us apart. Is He jealous or is He being rude in His worldy dealings? Coming back to my senses i recollect reality with mummy slogging in a foreign land trying to make both ends meet, my brother and me in a place far away from home and my dad taking his final rest under the clear blue sky with nature to keep him company. All scattered and broken hearted, like fish out of water we crave to get together, live together and leave together on the final journey not having a glimpse, nor messing around with earthly inequitities. The house i stay in and the people i am living with, rather putting up with are perspicuous examples of what this cunning and sly world could force upon a shattered heart. May be I am enduring the perinatel curses of the unseen negative force or may be the perforated prejudiced eyes of the ones who i deem the near and dear ones. But from the chasms of my lamentable heart i bask in the love of my family still langushing, reminding me who i am and what i am. The world is my own and so is my family.

1 comment:

Jo said...

Hey there Kevin,

You write beautifully and this is a touching post. Life sure has a lot of pains, but also a lot of pleasures and surprises in store for us.