Gloomy Glimpses

Flipping through the pages of my near past, I stumble upon vague memories imprinted in my mind by a scene so pleasant in its heavenly form that I would cherish its happening over and over again. I don’t mean angels singing or playing their harps nor do I intend having experienced any immortal encounter. The entire event from its beginning to its end, from its zenith to its natural dilution created in me an awe for the people involved. Well this is how it all started.
Standing under a shady tree, waiting for conveyance to get me to my proposed destination, my inquisitive eyes eagerly scrutinizes the surrounding layer of the majestically huge world spread forth in front of me. Everything looked good and everything was at its best. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, the breeze was warm and fast flowing, leaves were falling and earthlings were busy with earthly chores. A firm grip by a warm hand cut shorts my unassumed rendezvous with the nature boy in me and I fixed a deep artificial stare into the ruby eyes that kept looking into mine. The ghastly and meek figure of an old wretched woman and the bony clench on my arm was enough for me to understand the existence of poverty and misery befriended by sickness and hunger under that wrinkled face and shimmering eyes. A sudden child like instinct flowed into me like milky water falling from the highest falls, gushing through rocks below to continue on meaningful reasons for life to be sustained. With a twinkle in my eye and an echo of a whisper on my lip I thrust into her palm a coin, which I sensed, would have been of great value to her. A smile, a nod and then with heavy thuds she moved away, searching for solace in another passer by may be. Not recovered from what had happened I was trying to picturize the whole train of events again, when, from no where appears her better half, a lanky old man with crutches under his arm. He gets close to her, calls her by name and then with his bare hand wipes beads of perspiration off her forehead. What happened next was no flummery. With sadness in his eyes and concern in his voice he asked her not to stand in the hot blazing sun, a move that provoked a tear to roll down my cheek. After this impoverished family reunion both exchanged exhausted glances and then continued their life-sustaining disguise. My story concludes here but theirs just continues. It happened, I say, It happened.

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